Siebe Spijker
Siebe Spijker obtained his medical degree in 2009 and his master’s degree in Biomedical Sciences in 2010 (cum laude). He performed his PhD at the department of Nephrology under supervision of prof de Koning and prof Rabelink, investigating the transdifferentiation of mature pancreatic beta-cells. He was awarded amongst others the NVE-Ipsen award for best basic science article from the Dutch Society for Endocrinology and the Dr. F. Gerritzen Award for best Thesis in Diabetes Research in the Netherlands. In 2018, Siebe joined the research group of prof. Melissa Little for a postdoctoral year at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Melbourne to engage in kidney organoid research and CRISPR Cas9 gene editing. Siebe currently works as a clinical nephrologist, focusing on transplantation. His aim is to link fundamental research in regenerative medicine and disease modelling using kidney organoids to daily clinical practice.