
Rosalie Rietjens

Rosalie Rietjens is a PhD student in the Einthoven laboratory since the beginning of 2020, supervised by Ton Rabelink and Bernard van den Berg. She holds a BSc and MSc degree in Life Science & Technology (Leiden University) with a research specialization. During her MSc studies, she performed an internship in the Glycocalyx group and in the group of Rudolf Jaenisch at the Whitehead Institute in Boston. Now, her PhD project focuses on unravelling the interplay between metabolism and epigenetics in the developing kidney (organoid) using innovative metabolomics and epigenomics strategies. Furthermore, she is looking more closely into the role of lipid metabolism in early diabetic nephropathy. To perform these research tracks, her work is done in close collaboration with the Center for Proteomics and Metabolomics.

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