
Manuela Schöb

Dr. Manuela Schöb is an internist and started her education in endocrinology 2017. She received her MD in 2011 (University of Zurich, Switzerland) and registered as an internist in 2017 in Switzerland. In April 2018 she started her PhD at the Center for Bone Quality at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) on diagnosing bone fragility. Dr. Schöb received a Translational Fellowship from the European Calcified Tissue Society in 2018 and a UEMS Exchange in Endocrinology Expertise Grant from the European Society in 2019 for her projects on impact microindentation which is her main field of interest.

Impact Microindentation is a new minimally invasive technique for the in vivo assessment of bone quality and current data highlight its ability in discriminating specific patient groups at risk for osteoporotic fractures from controls, independently of bone mineral density values. The aim of her prospective studies is to further elaborate and establish the role of impact microindentation as a surrogate measure for the assessment and surveillance of fracture risk in patients with and at risk for osteoporosis.