
Maarten Tol

Maarten Tol is a medical doctor who started as a PhD candidate in February 2020. He studied medicine at the University of Groningen and performed his last clinical clerkship in transplantation surgery at the Leiden University Medical Center. His interest in surgery and transplantation medicine led him to this PhD project, where he will be supervised by prof. dr. Eelco de Koning and dr. Francoise Carlotti from the islet group, and dr. Volkert Huurman from the department of Surgery.  His focus lies on ‘Beta-cell mass and function’ and ‘Human islet isolation and clinical beta-cell replacement therapy’. He will also play a role in the autologous islet transplantation after total pancreatectomy programme. After completing his PhD, Maarten hopes to pursue a career in surgery, combining research and education with clinical work.