Brigitte Wieles
Brigtte Wieles obtained her PhD at the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) studying Mycobacterial antigens and their putative role in vaccine development for leprosy and tuberculosis. After various postdoctoral positions abroad, she returned to LUMC in the role of project manager for large EU funded consortia working on bringing cell therapies to the clinic. She joined the group of Ton Rabelink in 2019 as research manager. While management tasks are still part of the job, she is currently also supervising the translation of iPSC reprogramming from a lab environment to a GMP setting to produce GMP compliant iPSC. These will in the future be used as intermediate drug products for differentiation into various iPSC-derived products for clinical testing. Brigitte’s ambition is to help translate research findings in the field of cell therapy to the clinic. This will involve design of GMP compliant manufacture, and set-up and validation of quality control tests in a regulatory compliant manner.