
Anne Leerling

Anne Leerling, MD | PhD Candidate | Clinical Epidemiologist in Training
The doctoral research project focuses on the disease definition, diagnosis, and treatment of chronic nonbacterial osteitis (CNO) in adults. The Center for Bone Quality at the LUMC is a national referral center for this rare and poorly characterized bone disease. To date, there is no universal disease definition for CNO, nor are there validated diagnostic or classification criteria. The pathophysiological mechanisms behind sterile bone inflammation are largely unknown, and treatment relies, due to the lack of clinical trials, on off-label medications that vary widely between countries and even centers.

In order to improve the understanding and care of CNO in adults, the doctoral research project studies clinical, biochemical and radiologic characteristics of adult CNO, the use of imaging in disease activity monitoring, and the efficacy of intravenous pamidronate in reducing pain evaluated by in a randomized clinical trial. Also, the doctoral research contains a first global consensus initiative regarding the diagnosis and management of CNO in adults.

As an embedded trajectory throughout the doctoral research, Anne is in training to become a Clinical Epidemiologist.

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