Patients with chronic renal failure are exposed to increased morbidity and mortality as a result of cardiovascular events. Therefore, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease is a major goal in the management of these patients. At the same time, vascular injury can also be a causal factor in renal disease, particularly in diabetic nephropathy and chronic allograft nephropathy. Our research aims to understand, prevent and, ultimately, repair endothelial dysfunction in renal disease.
- Circulating noncoding RNA as posttranscriptional determinant of cardiovascular complications in CKD
- Kidney organoid and scaffold research
- Limiting pro-atherogenic macrophage formation: Taming Quaking and inflammation
- Maintaining healthy perivascular stromal cells: Zooming in on vascular smooth muscle cell and pericyte biology
- Post-transcriptional investigation of platelet aggregation
- Post-transcriptional regulation as a key driver of intrinsic kidney regeneration
- Protecting the endothelium: Post-transcriptional control of barrier function by Quaking
- The glomerular endothelial surface glycocalyx in early diabetes
- The role of human genetic variations in neuronal guidance cues in premature atherosclerosis
- Vaattoegang/ Vascular access